After the success launch of the first 理想한 대학 Forum on 31th of March, we continue to seek for a new paradigm of media industry and cultivation of new talents by university students. The forum is consistently held on the last week of Thursday every month. We deeply appreciate your interests and participation to our journey of building new paradigms.
Prof. Ma, Dong Hoon (Media & Communication, Representative of social-science department)
Prof. Kim, Seongcheol (Media & Communication, Head of BK21 Four R&E Center)
Time: 2022.04.28 Thursday, 12:00~13:20
Location: Room 320, Main Building of the College of Medicine
Title: Future Grounds of Bio-medi Interdisciplinary Research
Host: Prof. Ma, Dong Hun (Media & Communication, Korea University)
Presenter: Prof. Kim, Byeongsu (College of Medicine, Korea University)
Discussionist: Prof. Park, Seho (College of Life Science, Korea University)
Prof. Park, Jae Yong (College of Health & Science, Korea University)
Prof. Lee, Sanghyun (College of Medicine, Korea University)
Online Zoom Link:
Registration for Offline Participation: through email until April 26th Tuesday, 12:00 noon (upto 40 participants, first come first served)
- email address:
- Title of email: Registration for the 2nd Forum
- Content: Major / Your title / Name / I would like to participate offline for the forum
eg) Media & Communication / Graduate Student / Hong, Gil Dong / I would like to participate offline for the forum
