理想한 대학 포럼 안내 (Introduction of Ideal University Life)
A forum to discuss a new paradigm of media industry and cultivation of new talents will be held on Thursday of the last week of every month from March to December.
We appreciate your interests and participations.
Time: 2022.03.31 Thursday, 11:40~13:20
Location: Event Hall, CJ Creator Library, Korea University
Title: Ideal University, the Roadmap of the top-notch University
Host: Professor Ma, Dong Hun (Media & Communication, Korea University)
Discussionist: Kim, Yong Hak (the 18th President of Yonsei Univ.), Kim, Doh-Yeon (the 7th President of POSTECH)
Online Stream Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCky1-OQSl3F79OSdHyrRolQ
Offline Participation: accept by email until 3.29 Tuesday (40 participants available)
*Please send email to guswll@korea.ac.kr
*Title of the email: Register for KICK OFF 1st Forum
*Content: Major / Your title / Name / I would like to participate offline for the forum
eg) Media & Communication / Graduate Student / Hong, Gil Dong / I would like to participate offline for the forum
