Time: 2022.07.28 Thursday, 12:00 ~13:20
Location: CCL Event Hall, Korea University
Title: ESG of Universities
Host: Prof. Ma, Dong Hun (Media & Communication, Korea University)
Presenter: Prof. Ok, Yong0sik (College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)
Discussionist: Prof. Lee, Mihye (College of Science)
Lee, Hyunghee (Chairman of SK ESG)
Online Stream Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCky1-OQSl3F79OSdHyrRolQ
Registration for Offline Participation: through email until July 26th Tuesday, 12:00 noon (upto 40 participants, first come first served.
- email address: guswll@korea.ac.kr
- Title of email: Registration for the 5th Forum
- Content: Major / Your title / Name / I would like to participate offline for the forum
eg) Media & Communication / Graduate Student / Hong, Gil Dong / I would like to participate offline for the forum.
